Applying our Site Optimization Instruments, you’re able to focus on your site’s reputation directly from the Online Control Panel. Through the Sitemap Generator you will get a comprehensive sitemap for your site within a few minutes. You’re able to publish the sitemap to major search engines so they could scan your website as fast as possible. At the same time, through the RSS News instrument, you’re able to add consistently updated information on your web site, which is a promise for better rating positions with the search engines. Our GeoIP re–direction application will help you to direct visitors coming from a particular place into a particular language version of your web site for more precise marketing end results.

A Sitemap Generator

For super–quick bot scanning

A sitemap represents set of the pages within a site that can be utilized by bots and clients. You may use a sitemap to inform major search engines exactly which web pages of the website you would like to be scanned. Moreover, a sitemap may help your web visitors find the way within your web site. You’d usually employ a 3rd party sitemap software program to obtain a sitemap for your site. However, with, you’ll get a sitemap application already installed in your Online Control Panel.

Within the Advanced Resources area, click on Sitemap Generator and right after selecting the file format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl button. The sitemap of your site will be generated in a few minutes and you will be able to submit it to the search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Direct website visitors according to their whereabouts

Using the GeoIP redirection application that’s integrated into the Domains Manager of the Online Control Panel, you’ll be able to direct your users according to their physical area. For instance, if you have several language variants of the website, you are able to create a certain language variation to automatically open for visitors from the location where that language is spoken. In this way, if an individual from France opens up your site, she will be immediately transferred to the French version, without the need to switch to French on her own. To utilize the GeoIP redirection application , you will not need any kind of experience or tech capabilities. Simply specify the geographic location of your visitors and the address of your web site that you want to load for them by default.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most current publications on your web site

In the Online Control Panel, we have bundled an instrument, which lets you embed news from the most well–known news sites on Earth in your websites, with just a click. Our News Syndication application works on auto–pilot and doesn’t need any additional configuration work on your end,

The RSS News component is easy to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You are able to adjust the number of information bits that are going to be presented, the way they will appear like, how they will be ordered, and so forth.

RSS News